Wednesday, September 25, 2019

why I wasn't in class

I wasn't in class because I had a soccer game at archbishop splading. We lost to a score of 3-1 I believe and on the way there was so boring.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Notes from class

Key question: How do geographers describe were things are.
Site: the physical character of a place.
Important characteristics include climate, water source, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation.
Humans have the ability to modify the characteristic of a site.

Country locations

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Taking a test

I took a test and I forgot a lot of the things that were on the test. Am pretty sure I got a c on it. The test had everything from Garcia to Ancient Greece. I also had to sit out in the hall way which was peaceful and quiet for the most part.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Some in class mini research works stuff

What does agora mean. it means  a public open space used for assemblies and markets
  1. What does polis mean.a city state in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes.

    The importance of the year 508 BC is that the ancient greeks introduced Democracy in Athens by Cleisthenes. He established a constiution and is often called " The Father of Athenian Democray" The first time normal people stood up to there rulers 

    Socreates was a Classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy 

    Socreates die to poisoning. He was charged for refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state" and of "corrupting the youth."

    Socreates method of Elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic debate, is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.

    If the greeks called you an idiot they wanted you to partipactae 

    I got this information from Google and Mr. Shick

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I left class early to go to a soccer game

I have to leave early because I have a soccer game I have to attend and I hope we win against belie ear

Saturday, September 7, 2019

More on Garcia

A message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard was published in 1899. The message was also reprinted and sold over 40 million copies and translated into 37 languages. There was two movies produced about the message which I don't understand why they would do that. The message litrey has 3 pargraphs. The message is also a popular slang expression. This was also used in the military. Little did you know Rowan was an army officer and McKinley was the 25 president. There was also a mountain named for him until 2015

what we did in class today

Today in class we read A Message to Garci and took notes about the message. The message is about a guy delivering a message to a guy named Garci who is an insurgent fighting against the Spanish with the United States to liberate Cuba. The president of The United States McKinley sent someone named Rowan. Rowan spent  3 weeks trying to find Garci in a jungle. But he finds out that Genral Garci is dead. The author of the book Elbert Hubbered believes people are dumb and bad at there jobs and the average person is lay so he thinks people should get hit if there not doing there job correctly or just bad at it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The best part of day one was seeing a few friends of mine I haven't seen in a while. The worst part of the day was going back to school and sitting in a boring class room all day. My seat is ok but not the best.